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P.O. Box 556, Angier, NC
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Assist adults who are unable to afford eye exams and glasses. They support Boy and Girls Home, Camp Dogwood for the Blind, Brighter Visions, and the MIRA Association as well as local charitable causes.

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Angier Lodge #686 is chartered by the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina and has been continuously active in Angier since 1950. Their regular stated communications are on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:30pm. All Master Masons in good standing with their home lodge are welcome to attend. For additional information on the lodge, please contact our secretary at

Additionally, we have a Fellowship Hall available for daily or long term rental for small gatherings like a family reunion, birthday party, anniversary celebration, social club meeting, business meeting, or luncheon. Bring your own caterer. Rental includes a full kitchen, men's & women's bathrooms, multiple 6' long tables and metal folding chairs. There is roughly 1,980 sq ft of space inside. For information on renting the Fellowship Hall, please contact Butch Adams at 910-514-5396 or

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Business Address
90 South Raleigh Street, Angier, NC
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Join the Angier Senior Citizens for a monthly luncheon with informative and entertaining guest. They go for lunch and then play a variety of card games at their twice monthly Funday. Throughout the year they have 4 different evening events and trips to a variety of locations and events.

To rent the Angier Senior Citizens Center, please call Helen Forrest at 978-618-0937.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
255 W. Williams Street, Angier, NC
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Business Phone Number
Business Address
3231 Atlantic Avenue, Raleigh, NC