With over 200 members, the Angier Chamber of Commerce continues to grow. To join the Chamber, click here.
Membership benefits include:
- Exclusive Recommendations – When the Chamber receives a request for information on a certain product or service available in the area, Chamber members are referred first.
- Weekly Newsletter – Members receive updates of Chamber events, member notices, community activities, etc. which reaches 200+ business members.
- Social Media – The Chamber has Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter which is used to share our member news.
- Share the News – Members may share news, events, promotions, etc. to other members by sending to the Chamber office for distribution.
- Ribbon Cuttings – New businesses are welcomed to the Chamber with a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by Town and Chamber officials and publicized in local newspapers, on the Chamber website, email communications, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the Daily Record “Chamber Spotlight” article. Call the Chamber office if you would like to set up a time for a ribbon cutting at your business.
- Membership Directory and Buyer’s Guide via Chamber Website – A complete member listing is available on www.angierchamber.org. Members are easily accessible by name, category, and/or general listing. Members may also provide a link to their website on their individual listing page.
- Business Spotlight – Free advertising at the Chamber office. Members may set up a display table in the Chamber office for a 2-week period to highlight their business to visitors who visit the Chamber.
- Members Only Table – Potential customers may be reached by placing business cards, flyers, or other free items at the Chamber office which will provide free advertising for your business.
- Annual Banquet – This annual event is provided for the entire Chamber membership where various awards are presented including Business of the Year and Man/Woman of the Year.
- Membership Plaque – Display your Chamber plaque so that all who visit will know you are a quality business and that you have made an investment in our community.
Member Nominations – Members may be nominated to serve on the Chamber Board of Directors. Board members serve 3-year terms and nominations are made annually based on the number of vacancies.
To join the chamber, fill out our online form and mail to the Angier Chamber of Commerce.