Deadline to apply for the NEW Angier Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has been extended until February 20th. This is a great day to get involved in the community. Below is more information from the Town of Angier’s website.
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Sec. 13-1. Parks & recreation, advisory commission—Created; members.
(a) Created. There is hereby created a parks & recreation advisory commission for the town.
(b) Membership. The commission shall consist of seven members all of whom shall be appointed at large by the town council. Membership shall be restricted to residents and citizens of the town except that no more than one nonresident may serve if the town council so chooses. Any non-resident appointed to the commission must reside in the county and within the town’s established extra territorial jurisdiction.
(c) Appointment. Initially, members of the commission shall be recommended by the Parks & Recreation Director and appointed by the Town Board for terms of two or three years as follows:
Three members: two-year terms
Four members: three-year terms
(d) Terms. Members of the commission shall be recommended by the Parks & Recreation Director and appointed by the Town Board. Terms shall end at the conclusion of December 31st each year. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments, except that such appointments shall be only for the length of the unexpired term.
Sec. 13-2. Same—Meetings; chair; vice-chair; secretary.
The parks and recreation commission shall hold bi-monthly meetings (6 meetings per year) at such times and places as it shall determine and shall adopt bylaws, rules and regulations governing its procedure. The parks and recreation commission shall elect a chair and vice-chair among its members. The chair and vice-chair shall hold office for one calendar year and shall be eligible for re-election. The director of parks and recreation shall serve as the secretary to the commission and record and distribute minutes of all meetings.
Sec. 13-3. Same—Attendance of commissioners at meetings.
If a member, whose absences are not excused in the manner set out hereinafter, misses more than three consecutive regular meetings or a total of four such meetings during the year such member loses the status as a member of the commission. In such cases, the chair will immediately request the mayor and town council to fill the vacancy. Absences due to sickness, death or other such obligatory emergencies shall be regarded as excused absences and shall not affect the member’s status on the commission. However, in the event of long illness, or other such causes for prolonged absence, the member may be replaced.
Sec. 13-4. Same—Duties; powers.
The parks and recreation commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Advise the mayor and town board concerning all matters relating to the operation of a system of public recreation for the town.
(2) Advise on establishing and maintaining a system of organized and supervised recreational activity for the town within the budgetary levels authorized by the town board.
(3) Recommend recreational use of appropriate lands or buildings owned by or leased to the town.
(4) Recommend to the town board land to be set apart for use as parks, playgrounds, recreational centers, water areas, or other recreational areas and structures.
(5) Recommend upon the needs of appropriate additional lands and structures for the recreational activities of the town.
(6) Advise the town board as to controls for and operation of recreational facilities which are owned or controlled by the town.
(7) Recommend to the town board regulatory control, rules and measures for use of town-owned or controlled recreational facilities.
(8) Advise the town board as to the amount of all fees, rentals and charges for park and recreation services.
(9) Review the budget for the parks and recreation department, and make comments and recommendations to the town board with respect thereto.
(10) Consult with the planning board on all matters pertaining to recreational planning for the community.
(11) Make recommendations to and assist the parks and recreation director in preparing a five-year program for the parks and recreation department covering both operating and capital plans for the department.
(12) Review master subdivision plans and site plans and make recommendations about whether the master subdivision plan complies with the town’s parks, recreation, greenways, and open space master plan, the appropriate review standards and whether a fee-in-lieu for parks, dedication of public park land or public greenway, or some combination of a fee in lieu, land dedication, or park/greenway construction should be made.