Business Genre
Short Business Description
With an HR degree and 25 years of experience in recruitment and training, Leigh Adams currently works as a Job Search Consultant. Using the wealth of knowledge gained from talking to thousands of candidates through the years, she helps clients with all aspects of their job search ranging from resume/LInkedIn review to Interviewing to strengths assessments! She also offers workshops to intact teams for team development using the TILT assessment.

Long Business Description

With an HR degree and 25 years of experience in recruitment and training, Leigh Adams currently works as a Job Search Consultant. She offers several customized options for job search support including but not limited to:

Formal "Jump Start Your Job Search" program which is an online self-paced course that comes with coaching sessions with Leigh
Resume and/or LinkedIn profile review/updates
Mock Interview (comes with verbal/written feedback) - very helpful if it's been awhile since you interviewed or know you need some help!
New Grad Bundle – Offered to fresh college grads who need Resume/LinkedIn/Mock Interview support
Strength assessments - we offer Clifton Strengths and True Tilt Personality profile - can be VERY helpful in a job search process to have a better understanding of your strengths and be able to articulate appropriately

There is a lot of flexibility to customize a package depending on your specific needs!

Please reach out to Leigh via email. 

You may also follow her on LinkedIn  or her FaceBook business page.

Schedule a FREE introductory call here.

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